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Get Involved


From turning out your lights, reporting bird-window collisions, to talking with your neighbors about what they can do to prevent collisions, there are a number ways you can get involved with Bird Safe Philly. Check back often as more opportunities will be added.

Participate in 

Lights Out

Lights Out is a voluntary program that involves turning off and/or blocking as many external and internal building lights as possible at night, when bird migration is occurring during the spring and fall.

Report a Collision

Did you find an injured or dead bird that collided with a building or window? Submit your observation to our Bird Safe Philly Bird Strikes Project in iNaturalist and increase our understanding of bird collisions in Philadelphia.

Injured Bird Transport 

We are looking for volunteer drivers to help transport injured birds to the Schuylkill Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and volunteers willing and able to monitor one morning per week during migration in Independence National Historic Park, Center City, or Ciocca Subaru. To get involved, email John Eskate.



Please consider a gift to one or more of the Bird Safe Philly organizations below that are working to save birds from collisions with buildings and glass. 
Click logos to get to individual donation pages.


Explore More

Explore additional resources related to bird-window collisions and the solutions that can be implemented to prevent them. Check back for more as more resources will be added.

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